In advance of the IDS 2006 the students of the three universities prepared themselves differently for the upcoming collaboration. The Kassel students started with a 1-semester SmartStructures-project using 3D-modelling software and fabrication techniques like laser-cutting and milling. The Delft and the Knoxville students attended introducing lessons in Maya and Rhino as well.
of the international design studio:
The first workshop of the IDS started in Delft in 08´2006, where groups
of three students were put together to start working on the design task of
a travelling pavilion which is supposed to represent the three
universities. After one week of workshop inDelft,
the following 7 days the groups continued working at the facilities of the
University of Kassel. During the first 2 weeks design ideas were developed
by using innovative fabrication techniques like laser-cutters and milling
machines. After these two weeks the group work continued over the internet.
Messenger software and email were used to communicate and the TU-Delft “infobase”
database was utilized to store information. During the 10 weeks of internet
communication the design had to be finished, material and structural problems
had to be solved. During the final workshop in Knoxville the final presentation
and the final modelwork was completed.